Saturday Ride

Rode 11 miles at the Downtown Airport this morning with a small group, family and friends!  Really enjoyed the ride, and felt like I pushed myself.  Stopped after 2 circuits, thinking that was enough, but recovered quickly and some of the group went on.  Stood there thinking, do I have another circuit in me?????  Decided I wouldn’t know if I didn’t try.  Had nothing to lose.  Went really well, avg mph 12.1, into a 17 mph head wind, overall, pleased about my performance!  Love my Giant Escape, but adding a rode bike might be something to think about.  A Great Day!

About trigirlrider

Starting cycling in 2006 to train for my first triathlon. Fell in love with it! I ride about 50 miles a week in the spring/summer/fall, and am looking to ramp it up and ride year round! Mainly trail riding. Always looking for cool gear and newer equipment.
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