
Wow, Can’t believe it’s been a year since I’ve posted!  Back on the bike this year!  Big change for me has been the new bike rack.  Thule 9033 rear mounted platform rack!  This rack was highly recommended.  The rack packaging weighed 47 lbs, and upon it arriving, I was worried it was a bad decision for our 2010 Kia Rio. The most difficult thing about the rack was opening the box!  The instructions were excellent and the bike was loaded on the car within 20 minutes.  The platform concept is incredible and secure.  My bike loads and unloads quickly.  Thrilled to be able to be bike mobile again!

Rode at James A Reed wildlife conservation area today for the first time.  Nice ride but short.  Rode the loop twice, a very enjoyable ride, just not too long.  Surface is mostly asphalt or concrete with short spurts of gravel.  Enjoyable ride, riding along with equistrians.  All in all a good ride!

Absolutely love the bike and and highly recommend the Giant Escape.

About trigirlrider

Starting cycling in 2006 to train for my first triathlon. Fell in love with it! I ride about 50 miles a week in the spring/summer/fall, and am looking to ramp it up and ride year round! Mainly trail riding. Always looking for cool gear and newer equipment.
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