Katy Trail

One of my very favorite day trip’s is to spend time on the Katy Trail.  This is my second (or is it third?) annual Memorial Day trip to the Katy!  I didn’t get quite as early a start as I had hoped on Saturday, but got to the Sedalia Katy Depot and ready to ride before noon.  This is an exceptional weekend to be on the Katy.  The Katy hosts a Memorial Day concert in Boonville every year on Saturday, so there are alot of riders actively motoring on the trail.  From the depot I traveled through city streets for just about 1 1/2 miles to get to the trail.  The plan was to ride to Clifton City through Beaman and make it a round trip.  I peddled strong, feeling incredible!  Much of the way was under the canopy providing shade.  About half way to Clifton City I crossed a bridge overlooking a beautiful stream.  That, I’m told was the lowest point and from there east I rode on the incline.  As I rode into the Clifton City depot there was a sign that food and drink was in town.  I knew from my research that the entire downtown had burnt down and not been rebuilt, but there was an auto mechanic that also served food and had cold drinks.  Deciding that I still felt good after the 11.9 miles, and wanting to build some endurance, I rode on to mile marker 214.  With 13 miles so far, I turned and rode back to Clifton City, detouring into town to check out this drink-providing mechanic. The Clifton City mechanic was closed, so I began the return ride.  I was running out of “steam”, feeling tired with 10 miles left.  I had two rest stops on the way back, just a couple of minutes. I had brought my 1.5 liter camelback and an extra bottle of water, and used it all. I rode back to the Sedalia Depot completing my longest ride yet–27.5 miles!  My average speed 10.6 mpg.  Completed the ride in 2 hrs 36 min.  I am convinced that the saddle and the bike fit me.  THAT was a great ride!

About trigirlrider

Starting cycling in 2006 to train for my first triathlon. Fell in love with it! I ride about 50 miles a week in the spring/summer/fall, and am looking to ramp it up and ride year round! Mainly trail riding. Always looking for cool gear and newer equipment.
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